Sweet Victory
Candy Store Branding
The design concept is inspired by Norse mythology and Viking culture, telling an unique and fascinating story. The store is imagined as a treasure trove where Vikings go on expeditions, battling monsters while seeking gods' blessings to find the most delicious candies and munchies. All branding elements, including packaging and promotional materials, feature vibrant, children's book-style illustrations. Vikings characters in horned helmets, engage in playful scenes, narrating the candy-collecting adventures.

Cookies Tube Packaging
Each cookie flavor has a independent conceptual name that incorporates the personality of a Viking character on the package, and each cookie flavor has the characters holding different weapons describe the taste of the cookie. It is giving the impression that the characters are prepared to engage in combat.

Brand Extensions
The brand expansion features cartoon characters on a tote bag, with the logo on the other side. Vibrant patterns are used on branding apparel, including beanies and socks. The Viking helmets and humorous character faces are featured on fabric labels. The store offers three sizes of shopping bags, with figures positioned close together and bag string holders adjusting based on size. The logo and tagline are above the artwork.

Environmental Graphic
The front store window has artwork with characters popping their heads up. The colorful strip pattern was implemented. On the door glass, there is a logo in the center and information about the store's operating hours.

Stationery system
The business card design features a customizable character face, folding in half for easy display. The gift cards and card holder are horizontally designed, presenting images and brands with a strip pattern as a background. The card holder has an empty area for card details.